Having your solar panels cleaned by Solarglanzz is comparable with a yearly visit to your dentist. A thorough clean by a specialist saves a lot of suffering.
Soiled solar panels can for instance result in lower production of solar energy.
We are the only company in the BENELUX to have specially developed a robot to clean large solar arrays.
Solarglanzz cleans solar panels without having to go up onto your roof. Ultra-safe and major time-savings.
Discover the advantages of our automated aerial lift for your panels.
Osmosis water is our logical choice for cleaning your solar panels. Environmentally friendly, without chemicals and with a smear-free result.
Discover the advantages of osmosis water for cleaning your panels.
Cleaning by our GEKKO robot |
BENELUX, Germany and France |
Up to 400 m2 per hour |
Safe with aerial lift |
Cleaning with osmosis water |
Professional manual cleaning in |
north-central and southern Netherlands |
Safe with aerial lift |
Cleaning with osmosis water |
Solarglanzz is a specialist in cleaning industrial PV arrays on roofs and solar arrays located in agricultural areas.
You can also call upon us for cleaning solar panels at your home.